Welcome to the Smoky Mountain Home Builders Association
For a list of our members, please click on the links of the Builder Members and Associate Members. The SHBA would like to keep you informed on the joy of building your dream home. If you plan to be your on contractor, please download the article “Are You Think of Building Your Own Home” for valuable information before you begin.
if you are using a contractor to build your dream home, be sure to click on the NC Licensing Board Logo to see if your Builder is Licensed. Protect yourself, make sure your builder is licensed by the sate of North Carolina.
Green Building
Green Home Builders of Western North Carolina was established to promote Green Building in the western mountain counties of North Carolina. Our goal is to provide information about Green Building, and to promote building certification under the EnergyStar, Healthy-Built Home, and NAHB Green programs.
Green Home Builders of Western North Carolina was organized with the encouragement and guidance of the National Association of Home Builders as a local NAHB Green program affiliated with a local HBA chapter. For more information on the NAHB Green Program visit www.nahbgreen.org.
Many of the HHBA members are certified Green Builders having taken the course “Certified Green Building for Professionals” offered through the National Association of Homebuilders. Download the flyer “How Homes Become Green” and also the GO GREEN Brochure from NAHB.
Articles on Green Building:
Opportunity Knocks For Home Buyers
Homeownership is an important part of the American way of life, and there may never be a better time to buy than today. Now that the tax credits for first-time and repeat home buyers have expired, many people are wondering if this is a good time to buy a home. The answer is YES. It’s a very good time to purchase a home. The recession is in retreat and even though housing is on the mend, it’s still a buyer’s market. Moreover, Congress has made it clear that the home buyer tax credits are gone for good and will not be renewed.